This study examines how the media has influenced feminist movements. The study employs a
methodical literature analysis that covers the years 2003 to 2023 to examine how the media has
evolved its support for feminism and how the dynamics of gender representation have changed over
time. Through an analysis of old and new media platforms, the research investigates how past
limitations and contemporary opportunities influence women’s involvement. While new media
platforms like social media have empowered women through enhancing awareness and community
interaction, traditional media frequently reinforces gender stereotypes and limited women’s
responsibilities. The study emphasizes how important these forums have become for promoting
feminist concerns, getting past censorship, and building international unity. Additionally, the article
explores the unique obstacles that Iranian women face in the media’s portrayal. This study emphasizes
how important it is for feminist studies and new media to come together to shape modern feminist
campaigns and discourses.
Keywords: Feminist Studies, Post-Feminism, Emerging Media, Women’s Voices. Research

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